Purple and Black
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New song by Taja Sevelle: I'm Still Here


Well-Known Member
Check out "I'm Still Here" by Taja Savelle:

"I wrote this song for my Father, who has dementia. I wrote it to give a voice to his experience. When I was talking to him in August of 2020, he said to me, “I’m still here… I just can’t get my words out right, the way I hear them in me…” I let him know that I understand him, and that I respect and love him very much. Of course, I was crying after that call. And I remembered this beautiful piano piece that one of my co-songwriters— Margie Hauser—sent to me about a year ago—so, I started writing this song that evening… I’m Still Here. It is meant to convey what it is like from the perspective of having one’s memory and brain functions decline bit by bit, and how difficult and heartbreaking it is... I intentionally wrote the 2nd verse in French to give listeners who do not speak French an idea of what it’s like to hear words and not be able to respond to them the way you want to—or perhaps not even understand them any longer. The French lyrics translate to the same meaning as the first verse lyrics in English. The producer of my first and second CDs when I was first signed to Prince, Chico Bennett, played the bass and drums, produced, mixed, and mastered the song..."


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