Purple and Black
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Creepiest music ever


Well-Known Member
Back in the early 80s was a British TV programme called "Minipops", which featured very young children (Aged 4 - 8) who could barely talk let alone sing, sing popular hits of the era.
The show featured the kids in adult clothes and makeup singing songs for adults, some with extremely sexual lyrics. The whole thing was a pedos wet dream, yet the original motives may have been more innocent (It was child exploitation at least on my opinion).
By far the worst performance was a 5 year old girl dressed up in furs, fishney, lipstick and pearls singing the Sheena Easton hit (9 to 5 morning train) and she was singing the lyrics "The night time is the right time we make LLOOOOVVVEEEE!!!" Forfuckinreal are u kiddin me. What kind of fucked up shit was this. Then again we had superpedos Jimmy Saville, Gary Glitter and Adam Ant running around too.

Was anyone safe in this era?

Even worse, was this was not the end of it, there were several albums released with this kiddie singing and they took off further in canada.
I don't know. Maybe I'm getting old or something, but I just can't see why anyone would come across a video that they thought would be prime material for paedophiles, then post it on an open forum allowing more eyes to access it and share it. Why not just leave it to disappear? Why regurgitate it?

I don't remember the programme, I haven't watched the video. From the article I take it that it was all done seemingly in innocence at the time and it is only with hindsight that it becomes sinister and we see its dark side. Which is why I think it should remain buried.

Not sure why you included Adam Ant in your list of 'superpedos' either. At least get your facts right.
Sorry got him confused with Garry Glitter. Turns out that he was in trouble for shooting up some place in the early 2000s and beating up a fan at a show in 2011.

I may have got Adam Ant confused with Cliff Richard or some other singer whose sexuality was not percieved as 100% hetro.
Funniest thing I read about Adam Ant, was some journalist in a 1981 UK music magazine (NME or Melody Maker) said Prince's show at the Lyceum may make a few people forget about Adam Ant.

Also I felt Adam Ant was wildly overrated - couldn't sing and got to fame on his weird image and visual appeal - over the top videos in an era where it was new.

Still I only learnt about this Minipops stuff a few days ago and its pretty scary to be honest. I don't think many people were too concerned at the time as the whole Child abuse thing only really broke a few years later.
I never heard or seen that show/video. It is wrong for parents to let their
young daughters who are younger than 18 to wear make up, dress like
older women and sing/dance sexy for the public to see as entertainment!
I just watched the video you posted @Adorecream76 At least the little girl is not
dressed sexy or wearing a bikini, lingerie, etc.

And little girls like to play with their mother's or older female family members
clothes, make up, jewelry, etc.
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Then there are also the kid Beauty Pageants, the little girls look "OLDER", their
hair style, clothes, a lot of make up.
Young girls/kids can play with makeup when they are home, not when they are
out in public, around strangers, etc.

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