Purple and Black
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Fun thread: How many women had Prince had sex with/slept with


Well-Known Member
Read this thread on the org from like 2005 or something and wondering if its still relevant now. I expect to get some blow back from the "Who cares crowd" and the "how dare you bring up his personal life" and "What are you a gossip seeking scamp".

But this site is so DULL now and some spicy topics may liven things up a bit.

When I say sex, I don't mean true girlfriends and ones he married, I mean any encounter which involved Prince's you know what "entering" or "penetrating" the body of any named sexee.

My guess is between 300 and 3,000 women. Why Prince was known for 2 or 3 girls at once and cheating on women, along with boatloads of groupies on tour and Toure's stories of one night stands at Paisley Park where Prince would show up with a new girl who would last between one shagging and amonth and apparently he was harsh to some and like voyeurism with multiple girls.

What do you think, this man was getting as much sex and creaming as much as the dirtier pre 2000 songs suggest.
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This list I think is all the womens he definitely danced the electric mambo with.

Kim Upsher
Susan Moonsie
Lisa Coleman (Apparently in early 1980 he had some sex with her and the song "Lisa" mentions it, she was not always a Lesbian)
Gayle Chapman
Troy Beyer
Apollonia (1 or 2 times only)
Jill Jones
Susannah Melvoin
Sheila Escovedo
Kim Basinger
Anna Garcia
Mayte Janelle Garcia/Nelson
Diamond and Pearl
Carmen Electra (Who said sex with him was boring)
Nona Gaye
The Twinz
Manuela Testolini
Bria Valente
Andy Allo
Judith Hill
Ida Neilsen
Paloma Ayana
Between 100 and 999 anomymous groupies, nearly all female, poss some men and trans.

Possibly had sex with

Morris Day
Robin Power
Boni Boyer
Rosie Gaines (Those 2 less likely as they were big black women and he was not really a fan of them sexually, but you never know)
Clytemistra (The model in Black Sweat)
Damaris Lewis
DJ Rashida
Kat Dyson
Rhonda Smith
Cora Dunham
Tevin Campbell
Jerome Benton
Jamie Foxx
Anomymous male bodyguard at PP during Jamie Foxx sketch
Krik Johnson (Just because Prince was living with him at the end).

I included some men in there as I suspect he was way down low and he had too much chemistry with Jarome in UTCM, morris was like a brother and Jamie Foxx jokes about it in standup.

I appreciate opinions and healthy debate, but not outright hate.

Prince was the greatest of all the musical genuises of all time, but as a person I had almost no respect for him.
Hiya @Adorecream76 thats ..alot of intimacy! with regarding the list, and to quote you adore, between 100 and 999 anonymous groupies.... is that fact?
I'm going to be off tangent [just for fun then] and say more than likely he hated sex/couldn't understand the hullabaloo about sex and that's why he sang / made it such a core part of his art in the early years...
It's an interesting thread & one I shall watch with great curiosity to learn from , any other members have any opinions~? Also a happy new year to all :wave2:
Amazed how little reaction its had, positive or negative. This place is just dead, a failed attempt at boards.
I am thinking of rejoining org under another fake name. Angelsoncream or Angelsonfunk?
This thread has 79 views. People are looking around, unless that’s generated by bots(?) 🤖 🤖 🤖 somehow.

Well. I wish you’d hang around. We need everyone who does engage here.

Can’t deny but that you have a point though.
People too busy I guess.
For me, main reason - Prince is dead, the estate has done nothing, we have some stupid documentary being strangled by lawyers, producers with a need to issue gossip and lies.

No quality music released since 2019 (SOTT Superdeluxe - my D and P is collecting dust and I consider losing $300 at the casino a better investment).

People like me listening to other artists - Thank God for Bruno mars, the Weeknd etc.

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