Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back

US elections ~ 2024

We are doomed! I will not vote for Repubs, but I'm hoping we get someone else better than Biden.
I keep telling myself that we wanted Rid of Trump so bad and that's how we ended up with Biden.
And Kamala hasn't done much at all.
We are doomed! I will not vote for Repubs, but I'm hoping we get someone else better than Biden.
I keep telling myself that we wanted Rid of Trump so bad and that's how we ended up with Biden.
And Kamala hasn't done much at all.
help me out... I've heard other people complain about Biden. I don't understand the high levels of dissatisfaction.
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help me out... I've heard other people complain about Biden. I don't understand the high levels of dissatisfaction.
Neither do I. He is older but seems to have all his faculties. Biden has gotten a lot done in his 3 years. We are past the pandemic (knock wood) and lots of jobs have been created and inflation is coming down (though slowly). He has helped to strengthen the NATO alliance and the world sees us as the friendly, albeit snobby, giant once again. I have no real issue with Joe, and if his age is concerning, then make sure you can trust who he picks for Vice, just in case.
Traditionally VPs are not held to the same kinds of accomplishments, their legislative power is not far-reaching. I am sure if you researched you can find what initiatives she is working on. Her speech the other day was pretty good though - what is happening in Florida schools is atrocious.
If Trump gets back in, the world will just snub the USA and the USA will no longer be a major world power.
It will be proof that IQ there has slid backwards over the past 50 years.

Plus both of them are ancient fossils dating from the 1940s - a cohort of people who just refuse to give up power. Trump is the worst type of Baby Boomer, 1946 is probably the worst people ever born - Trump, Dubya, Clinton, etc.

Another group of relics dating from the 1940s who refuse to give up and call it a day - the Rolling Stones, I mean they are 80 - ffs give it up!
help me out... I've heard other people complain about Biden. I don't understand the high levels of dissatisfaction.

Hopefully this will explain some of it. I won't be voting for those two clowns, Biden & Harris (or that scum Trump either). I was done with the Democrats decades ago when I became Independent. More and more are waking up and not falling for the okey-doke.

I checked one thing that I remembered from the video (post #7, above). I might go back and try to find the location in the video but don't have time right now. [10.3.23: I found the policing part, not the EOs: see minute 21:20 'Empty Promises']. Mainly, what I remember, is the criticism that Biden said he wouldn't sign executive orders because they can be easily overturned in a succeeding administration. I also heard about the issue of bad policing and that Biden did nothing. Can't recall if these two issues were linked. In any case:

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Historic Executive Order to Advance Effective, Accountable Policing and Strengthen Public Safety [The White House;5.25.22]

Executive Order on Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety [Community Oriented Policing Services, US Department of Justice; date?]

Biden has a new executive order on policing, 2 years after George Floyd was killed [NPR;5.24.22]
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Hopefully this will explain some of it. I won't be voting for those two clowns, Biden & Harris (or that scum Trump either). I was done with the Democrats decades ago when I became Independent. More and more are waking up and not falling for the okey-doke.

Professor Black Truth does post a screen shot of an article on the same topic of policing. The title of the article appears damning: "Biden White House puts its police oversight commission on ice" [Politico;4.11.21]. Media trickery's a heluva thing. Yeah, ya know? Off I go to check out the article.

The White House is putting the creation of a national police oversight commission on hold, nixing a campaign pledge made by President Joe Biden to establish one within his first 100 days.

“Based on close, respectful consultation with partners in the civil rights community, the administration made the considered judgment that a police commission, at this time, would not be the most effective way to deliver on our top priority in this area, which is to sign the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act into law,” Susan Rice, director of the Domestic Policy Council, said in a statement to POLITICO.
Before coming to the decision, the White House said it consulted with national civil rights organizations and police unions. Both entities made clear to the administration that they thought a commission was not necessary and likely redundant.

Rice said that the administration “strongly” supports the police reform bill named after Floyd, who was killed last May after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin pinned his knee to Floyd’s neck for seven minutes and 46 seconds. Chauvin’s murder trial for the death of Floyd is currently ongoing.
Dang. Who really thought chauvin would be held to account?
The decision to shelve the commission underscores the ways in which campaign promises can clash with the realities of governing and potentially trip up a president’s agenda. Biden first promised to set up an oversight commission last June, roughly one week after Floyd’s killing.
When it was announced, members of the Black Lives Matter movement and civil rights leaders expressed skepticism about the value of another commission, questioning what impact it could have. And after Biden entered office, civil rights organizations, including the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, told the administration that another commission wasn’t needed given the decades’ worth of research already compiled on policing practices.
“As the ongoing trial in the death of George Floyd makes clear, transforming policing in America is one of the most urgent crises facing the nation today,” Wade Henderson, president of the Leadership Conference, said in a statement to POLITICO. “We also agree with the White House decision to forgo the creation of a commission to study the problem.”

“This matter is much too urgent for delay, and Congress is by far the more appropriate venue to consider changes in law regarding police accountability,” Henderson added.

Civil rights advocates were especially concerned that a commission would be used as an excuse by lawmakers in the Senate — both Republicans and skeptical Democrats — to stall action on the House-passed police reform bill. Lawmakers, the fear was, might cite the need to see the commission’s completed work as a reason to hold off on supporting police reform legislation.
So... after all, there was a seemingly good reason Biden didn't keep his promise.

Anyway. Not everyone's going to vote for Biden. We know that. Here's a pretty good article, I think:

Opinion: More people of color are voting Republican. That's not all bad news. [WaPo;10.3.23]
I like this series of interviews. Below my blather is the summary that accompanies the video. It isn’t strictly about the 2024 elections. There are portions about Virginia, which has off-year elections, this year. And a portion about the continuing resolution (I think that’s the term for what just happened in the House with the 45 day extension on funding the government in DC) and how the funding for Ukraine was omitted from that resolution. $2 billion remains in the budget for Ukraine. Wellman explains how funding for Ukraine is in the low single digits of our total defense spending and how the return on investment far exceeds the expense.

Fred was on the road this week in Washington D.C. lobbying for Ukraine funding and in St. Louis for the Democratic National Committee's Fall Meeting. He chats with DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison, Minnesota Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, and Richmond Mayor Lavar Stoney about what the party faces and how they plan to keep the winning momentum going. In addition, Eugene Vindman spoke with veterans on Capitol Hill on the need for Ukraine support and what we can do to push for that important funding.

Democrats finally FIGHT BACK as GOP COLLAPSES [On Democracy with FP Wellman;10.7.23]
Anyway. Not everyone's going to vote for Biden. We know that. Here's a pretty good article, I think:

Opinion: More people of color are voting Republican. That's not all bad news. [WaPo;10.3.23]
Good article, althoughI could never vote for today's GOP.

But I understand the anger and frustration with Dems. My GF said she's changing her affiliation to Independent. Even told me Trump may have been right about the wall. Like many New Yorkers, she's angry at Mayor Adams handling (more like bungling) of the migrant crisis.
Okay. Here’s a good one, for a change. Borrowing that line from Al Franken, comedian, former senator from Minnesota, who now has a podcast in which he interviews a different guest on each episode, while addressing current events, politics, economics, and social issues.

Anyway! Here’s another comic’s view of t—— and a discussion of how we came to be in this predicament. Have you ever seen ‘The President Show’? I haven’t and it discontinued a few year’s ago. Anthony Atamanulk played t—— in that show.

LIVE: Trump utterly TROLLED and ROASTED, Anti-MAGA Comedian Has Him ON THE ROPES [The Weekend Show;11.5.2023]

This morning the NYTimes headlined with a poll showing t—— leads Biden in 6 states that Biden won in 2020. Shocking. Some of the reasons come through in the video above.
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We are doomed! I will not vote for Repubs, but I'm hoping we get someone else better than Biden.
I keep telling myself that we wanted Rid of Trump so bad and that's how we ended up with Biden.
And Kamala hasn't done much at all.
Kamala is the VP- what do you want her to do?
Also honestly, why do you feel Biden is bad? Really. What has/hasnt he done?
Kevin Drum, excellent podcaster who loves explaining the subtle complexities of data analysis also is a ‘political animal’, as a side gig. He posted the following:

Donald Trump is exempt from all federal campaign finance rules [Kevin Drum;11.9.23]

On second thought this post definitely doesn’t belong in this thread. The issue brought to light in this post is the rot, perversion afflicting today’s republican party. Democrats in these sorts of positions might engage in underhanded behavior from time to time. I’m not saying any politicians are perfect. But, amongst republicans, even in positions where partisanship should be left at the door, politicized behavior is becoming the rule, not the exception. It’s harder and harder to find individuals among them that stand on higher ground. For them, moderation has completely lost its appeal; extremism has become the way. They live entirely by the rules of the herd.
Another blogger who I like makes an interesting post.

Why voters are so down on the Biden economy [Andrew Tobias; 11.9.23]

I wonder if you can access the NYTimes article he links to at the start of the post. I guess he ‘shared’ it, as subscribers can do, so I won’t waste one of my monthly quota. Check out the link, if the topic interests you. It explains the difference between how the general population views inflation and how economists do, among other interesting observations.
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Biden & the Dems are in big trouble if this keeps happening. Personally, I'd never switch to the GOP, but I've been done with the Democrats as well.

Listening to one of my faves last night. Yeah, he's unabashed and doesn't hold back. He's also smart and fresh: Keith Olbermann. Here's the most recent podcast in which he discusses the Washington Post article that I've posted farther down below. The first 22 minutes...

TRUMPED-UP CHARGES: CONFIRMS HE'D PROSECTUTE RIVALS - 11.10.23 Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term [WaPo;11.5.23]

Are you horrified? Or just ho hum? How bout that Insurrection Act of 1807 that t---- and his 'advisors' would like to deploy right out of the gate?

Here's Andrew Tobias, writing on the same topic and reminding us of what Biden has delivered on in his time as president.

Hot Damn [Andrew Tobias;11.8.23]

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