Purple and Black
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The 2021 Purple and Black Fitness Thread!


Well-Known Member
New year, new fitness!

I hope all are healthy. This year is going to be so much better than last year. It might not be better immediately but somewhere in the year 2021, we are going to be able to do the things we used to do. I'm sure of it!

So let's encourage each other. Tell us how you're doing, or what you want to accomplish, and we can all act as each other's accountability partners and encouragers.

For me, I'd like to get back to about 190 pounds (at 184 or so right now) and obviously I want those extra pounds to not be fat. I've got that bench press machine and so far my max bench is 230 pounds of plates plus whatever the machine's arms account for. I think each arm is worth 5 or 10 pounds, so let's be conservative and say 5. That means a max bench so far of 240. I want 300 again!

I built a squat pedastal and am really enjoying squats. Never thought I'd say that! My goal is to not have chicken legs any more. LOL, I don't know exactly what that means - maybe it's like that Supreme Court justice once said about porn: you can't define it but you know it when you see it!

The hope is that all this work, and a healthy diet, keep my Type II diabetes in check and in control.

So, there are my goals. What are yours?
Anybody fancy joining me? This is one of my best buddies in life I am supporting, all my running is for him an Dylan. Run one, run 100,do anything.

You dont have to do anything other than sign up and run your tracker on your normal runs?

See below:
There are 100 charities in the challenge. They can recruit unlimited teams but each team is limited to 100 people. We are asking folks to pre-register with us and indicate mileage so we can allocate to teams judiciously.
Here's our sign up form:
Two avenues being used to recruit.
1. Emailing to your contacts/running clubs/running stores. Flyer attached in PDF format with link to sign up form embedded.
2. Social media - picture attached. I've posted it simply with this text and the link. Feel free to write what you think will grab people.
Good morning runners. Please check this out. You can register your interest by completing our google form below, thank you!
Wasn't expecting this in 2021 as 2020 was deferred and I was not due to run but I have been offered a place at the Umstead 100 for the 3rd time- shit just got real.
Wasn't expecting this in 2021 as 2020 was deferred and I was not due to run but I have been offered a place at the Umstead 100 for the 3rd time- shit just got real.
Wow. The course looks beautiful, from the photos. You've done this twice before! What were your times? Not that it matters. What is it like to run that far? Do you run the whole time? How much of the challenge is mental vs physical? Asking lots of questions because I'm curious. Big props! That's a really impressive undertaking.
Wow. The course looks beautiful, from the photos. You've done this twice before! What were your times? Not that it matters. What is it like to run that far? Do you run the whole time? How much of the challenge is mental vs physical? Asking lots of questions because I'm curious. Big props! That's a really impressive undertaking.
Thats a lot of questions!!

Ok so the first time i ran it was a qualifier, you need a qualifying 50 to run the 100 and i ran that in 13h 12mins. The second time was my first go at 100, i was the most prepared i had been in my life. It was just after my Mum died and the race director picked me to carry the magic #100 because she knew my training had covered the last months of my mums life. That and these things as always are done for one of my best mates. I run mostly for my mate Ian. Ian is the father of Dylan Hockley who was killed at Sandy Hook, he's a brit and i would say i love him like a brother but i dont like my brother so i guess i love him more. We do these things occasionally, NYC Marathon twice and all sorts of other events.
Anyway, that race i was prepped beyond prepped but my body decided to not cooperate, at 30 miles it started rejecting all food and water, when i took it on i puked. I managed another 30 miles before the medics pulled me. 62.5 miles in strangely enough around the same time as the 50. I averaged 13.07/mile for 62.5 but it was still a fail.
The race is stunning, it has 8000ft of elevation change in the race and its brutal.
Running the whole time is for the elites, I am not elite, im old and broken. 13.07 is sub 24hr pace- this race will not be that, i am winging this one mostly to raise money for Ian as 2020 has been horrible for the charity with all the events cancelled due to covid (last time we ran this we raised 25k)
As for mental v physical- even a marathon is mental over physical, your body tells you to stop, that is what the wall is, it normally hits around 18 miles so on this race that is half way around lap 2 of 8.
This is about 90% mental, its mind over matter. Fuel, move- relentless forward motion, that is it.
We will see how we go, i dont think we will finish, we had been prepared for 2022 but this is an elite race that only has 250 spots so we are just going out to see where we get. If i get beyond 62.5 then who knows, if i get to 2 laps remaining then you will have to drag me off the course by my broken legs.
Yes, WOW. Absolutely staunch. Impressive.

Sandy Hook. Respect to you for helping push forward positivity from the tragedy.

How do you raise money from the race? By miles completed?
Yes, WOW. Absolutely staunch. Impressive.

Sandy Hook. Respect to you for helping push forward positivity from the tragedy.

How do you raise money from the race? By miles completed?

We normally promote it and have folk donate through a sponsorship link- I’m sure it will show up here closer to the date
If you're in the USA, I'm sure it's coooooooooold today. It sure is here in Houston, and it's going to get colder. It's going to snow Monday and Wednesday! Snow, I say!

So I broke out the two space heaters I bought just for days like this. They worked great!

Heated Gym.jpg
I bought myself a Bike last year and it was the best summer I had in years. Played soccer with my nephew today and the kid ran circles around me and I was out of breath real quick :wacko:so that's my personal fitness status as of now. I'll try to step up my game this year though.
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I bought myself a Bike last year and it was the best summer I had in years. Played soccer with my nephew today and the kid ran circles around me and I was out of breath real quick :wacko:so that's my personal fitness status as of now. I'll try to step up my game this year though.

Go on and get it! But hey - there's not a kid on Earth that couldn't get most of us grown-ups out of breath in a matter of minutes. Or in my case, a matter of seconds LOL.
This NY Times routine is part of my 3-day rotation of exercise. I'm pretty inconsistent and days are interchangeable. Lately, I've been incorporating some x-c skiing. Last night I did the NY Times 9, again. I wonder how others would find this. It's only 9 minutes, which is great when you get to the end of the day and feel displeased about not having exercised. 9 minutes. That's all it takes.

Give it a go and report back. I find it challenging, to say the least. I can't do 1 minute of full-on toe pushups. I can do 10 and then resort to knee push-ups. The 'mountain climbers', 'bodyweight split squat' and 'burpee with push up' are guaranteed to push your limits. As they say, if a minute isn't enough, do two!
This NY Times routine is part of my 3-day rotation of exercise. I'm pretty inconsistent and days are interchangeable. Lately, I've been incorporating some x-c skiing. Last night I did the NY Times 9, again. I wonder how others would find this. It's only 9 minutes, which is great when you get to the end of the day and feel displeased about not having exercised. 9 minutes. That's all it takes.

Give it a go and report back. I find it challenging, to say the least. I can't do 1 minute of full-on toe pushups. I can do 10 and then resort to knee push-ups. The 'mountain climbers', 'bodyweight split squat' and 'burpee with push up' are guaranteed to push your limits. As they say, if a minute isn't enough, do two!

That's true, you can work out everything really quickly if you do push-ups. I can do 50 push-ups in one minute, and that's a lot. If you can hit 25 push-ups in a minute, I'd say you're doing better than 99% of the people out there.

One thing that really helps me with push-ups is that I think of them in groups. In my case, it's groups of 10 but it could be groups of 5, too. When I'm doing a set, instead of thinking, "Oh, that's 10 push-ups, 40 more to go?!?" I think "OK, that was 10, and I know I can do 10 more no matter what, so here we go". I use that trick for every group of 10 and before I know it, I've hit that magical 50 number.

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