This dang stuff is emotional. I’ve been venting since. . . Some time yesterday.
I get a tip of the iceberg of the issues/policy hopes that are central to Black men sitting this one out. I really do appreciate that. Thanks.
At the same time, I hear Nina Turner in the talking heads clip, after decrying Obama’s off-tone rant, . . . Did you hear that? It’s at minute 4:13.
“Hopefully, there are a few good men out there who do care about the stripping away of women’s bodily autonomy. . .” She’s careful not to say Black men. Unfortunately, Black women are disproportionately affected. I can’t help but feel Black men are throwing Black women under the bus. It’s unfortunate but I do hope more from Black men, right now. I’ve given up, largely on white men. There are a huge number of white misogynistic, racist chauvinists who also feel aggrieved. I’ve met them. I’ve stopped being surprised, by and large. I’ve largely learned to keep my mouth shut because they slither and slide in our conversations about why they prefer t0000. One of them said recently, “My retirement account did better under t000.” F—-. While the stock market is breaking upper limit records, daily. All these white men going to church. I see a big scarlet M on their foreheads.
I feel we are all prone to the gargantuan assault of mis- and dis-information. How can this race be close???
On saying Obama just ran off to Martha’s Vineyard. . . I don’t know about that. There’s a convention that former presidents take a low profile following their terms to avoid interfering/muddying the waters of those who follow them. Plus, I really don’t know that he’s just ‘run away’. I’d have to go look up what he’s been doing. Help! Plus, he has to be guarded ceaselessly by the Secret Service. I’ll guess that, for the Obama family, that’s not a run-of-the-mill job. An island is probably a good place for them, if you are concerned for their health, and if that’s where they are 24/7/365.
It’s gonna come down to women to hopefully pull off the election for Harris. That pisses me off. And I start seeing men as just a distortion of the ‘me, too’ movement, where it’s ’you, too’. I hurt, so you will, too. GD—-.
Like it or not, there’s a gender divide in this election. Black men’s message will be lumped into that box, I’m afraid. We all know, a sitting out the vote is a vote for t——, if you’re an aggrieved Democrat.
What of the comparison of Biden to Harris, in poll numbers (from that same video clip with Nina Turner)? The one that shows Biden’s support among Black men being 92% in 2020 and Harris’ being some 8 points lower, today. WTF??!! What in g-d’s name? Is that Black men having an epiphany about the Democratic Party or is that straight misogyny? g-d d—n.
And, really, what do you want Harris to do? She has to appeal to ALL voters , right now. Why expect the impossible from her? She has gone out of her way to meet w Black leaders, I think I’m right in saying that. Do you really think she has a chance in hell if she starts ranting about reparations?
Women are under attack. Immigrants are under attack. The LGBTQ+ community are under attack. What Obama said. He was appealing to Black men, not to be condescending, but because he felt he could reach them. And, like it or not, I can’t help but see misogyny laced into the Black men’s argument. FFS. Who’s the a-hole that said, they came for the [insert targeted group], but it didn’t affect me. Then, they came for. . . [etc/etc/etc]. Finally, they came for me. Blah-blah-blah.
Request: please, don’t reply to this. I’ve just blown a couple of hours. For what? Absolutely nothing, except a prayer that by venting outside my self in this moment, I will lessen the ranting I do in private.