Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back

US elections ~ 2024

As usual, t—— has tried to pull the good down into his gutter.

Hurricane Helene has devastated western North Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia. In the face of disaster, when most Americans pulll together to offer help and assistance, t——claimed the Biden administration is doing nothing to respond to the catastrophe.

Here are some videos with the details:

Tim Walz, Democratic VP candidate, and jd vance, t----'s pick for vp, meet tonight to debate.

On Rachel Maddow's show, yesterday, she uncovered a conversation between vance and a far-right commentator in which they advocate tearing down our democracy in favor of a dictator, getting rid of higher education institutions, etc.

Also, check out the article in the previous post: vance and t----'s promulgating the lie that Haitian immigrants (legal asylum seekers, btw) were eating Springfield, Ohio's pets, led to death threats and doxxing of a businessman who had the guts to stand up for the Haitian workers in his employ. The FBI has warned him about potential violence against his entire family. Do you think vance or t---- should disavow the violence, which has also affected institutions in Springfield, which has necessitated school closures and other extreme protective steps? They never will, as we know.

Here, below, Robert Reich recalls the history that partially explains our present-day gollums.

Repeating the link, here, with another title Reich gave to it:

The single most important thing to listen for in tonight's debate: The Roots of Trumpism, Part 11 [Robert Reich;10.1.24]

Note the mention of the Teamsters. btw, the Teamsters went on strike today.

I'm unsure but I think CBS, which is hosting tonight's debate, will not be fact-checking during the debate.
True: there was no fact-checking. J D Vance who, when the moderators made a single correction of fact, complained (I’m para-phrasing): ‘But the rules stated I would be allowed to lie all night!’

Here’s the debate in full, with commentary.

Vance vs. Walz: Live Debate Watch-Along | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich [10.1.24]

Here are a couple of post-debate commentaries that I like:

The first is the analysis from John Fugelsang of The John Fugelsang Show. He had the more positive reaction. Look for it on whatever platform you use. Here’s a link from Apple:

The VP Debate [The John Fugelsang Podcast;10.2.24;Episode 846]

Second is the more cynical view from Anthony Davis of Five minute News, which I also liked:

It’s late and I’m not sure this is the place for this post. But. . . It has to do with understanding our history and where we are today in a cyclical repeating model. It’s good stuff for me, in getting a grasp on what we see happening today.

What Happened to the American Dream? A conversation with Thom Hartmann [Politics Girl; 10.8.24]

The blurb: “Our nation sits at a crossroad. We either address our problems within our democracy and rule of law, or fail to address them by abandoning the very things that make us special in pursuit of something new. The 2024 presidential ticket offers us two very different versions of America - what it is and who it’s for - and on November 5th we choose one. Join me and the brilliant author Thom Hartman as we discuss his new book The Hidden History of the American Dream and break down where we are right now. The American Dream might be broken, but we can fix it, and we know it’s possible because we’ve done it before.”
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Here’s another interview with Dr. Bandy Lee, in which she describes a collective psychosis that comes from being exposed, for well on ten years now, to a malignant narcissist, serial liar, etc. I think I’ve listened twice now.

The blurb: “After the landmark Washington DC conference on Trump’s mental health and threat to national security, Dr Bandy Lee explains the findings of the expert panel and how Trump Contagion has spread to all areas of society, including the corporate media - only on The Weekend Show.”

The video:
LIVE: Top Psychiatrist BACK with NEW FINDINGS on Trump Mental Collapse | The Weekend Show [MTN;10.6.2024
Two natural disasters struck the US within couple of each other: Hurricane Helene, Category 4, cut a 500-mile swathe across Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Hurricane Milton, just yesterday, swept across Florida as a category 3.

Here’s some coverage of t—— using these catastrophes for political advantage by irresponsibly lying about the emergency response. And, in the face of Republican governors and others who have tried to dispel the anxiety and outrage t——‘s words have unleashed, t—— just continues his lying ways as if no one had corrected them.

Here’s some actual reporting from ABC News, in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene:

Hurricane Helene live updates: Death toll surpasses 230 as rescue efforts continue [CBSNews; 10.6.24]

And here is an expose showing d t——, using his dangerous lies in service of his own ends without regard for anyone other than himself:

Trump FREEZES when FACT-CHECKED on FOX NEWS [MTN;10.10.24]

Eyes wide open, are we tired of this yet???

Here’s a video of people affected by the storms showing their frustrations with the disinformation, not just from t——, but from his loosely organized phalanx of disseminators. . .

Trump hit with INSTANT BACKLASH . . . Americans are PISSED OFF [MTN;10.11.24]

And, finally, here’s an article about disinformation disseminates and their motivations:

5 Types of People Who Spread Conspiracy Theories They Know Are Wrong [TPM;10.4.24]

Oops. One more thing!

Bizarre Falsehoods About Hurricanes Helene and Milton Disrupt Recovery Efforts [NYTimes;10.11.24]
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Oh. I think I let my subscription to WaPo lapse. I can only see the first few sentences. Even though, yes, you’ve been talking about it since Biden was the candidate.

Here’s a guest essay from the NYTimes:

Black Men Are Waiting for a Democratic Party that Delivers for Them [NYTimes; 10.8.24]
Maybe this effort will help change some minds.

Former NBA Legend Magic Johnson Joins Forces With Kamala Harris In New Video [BLAST;10.5.24]

Or, maybe this:

A Stern Obama Tells Black Men to Drop Excuses and Support Harris [NYTimes;10.10.24]

I think Kamala Harris has the potential to be different. She’s been put under some pressure by big donors though. I can’t remember the details but a likely guess is that it was over tax policy.
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Maybe this effort will help change some minds.

Former NBA Legend Magic Johnson Joins Forces With Kamala Harris In New Video [BLAST;10.5.24]

Or, maybe this:

A Stern Obama Tells Black Men to Drop Excuses and Support Harris [NYTimes;10.10.24]

I think Kamala Harris has the potential to be different. She’s been put under some pressure by big donors though. I can’t remember the details but a likely guess is that it was over tax policy.
Actually, I was furious at both, especially Obama. And it proves my point that the Democrats are tone-deaf and haven't learned their lesson. As much as I despise the GOP, do you see them talking down to their base like the Democrats and their shills (Roland Martin, Van Jones, Joy Reid, Whoopi, Sunny Hostin, etc.) do to black folks? It's always lectures, finger-pointing and that "get in line" attitude. Like we're a bunch of mindless lemmings who can't think for ourselves. That's what black folks get for nearly 60 years of supporting Democrats. Why isn't Obama lecturing white or East Indian men? Sixty years later, Malcolm X's words still ring true.

Nina Turner broke it down beautifully...her I would vote for.
Oh. I think I let my subscription to WaPo lapse. I can only see the first few sentences. Even though, yes, you’ve been talking about it since Biden was the candidate.

Here’s a guest essay from the NYTimes:

Black Men Are Waiting for a Democratic Party that Delivers for Them [NYTimes; 10.8.24]
Great article and 1000% on point. For decades, Democrats have relied on emotion & symbolism and got lazy. Black folks aren't having it anymore....it's about policy now.
Actually, I was furious at both, especially Obama. And it proves my point that the Democrats are tone-deaf and haven't learned their lesson. As much as I despise the GOP, do you see them talking down to their base like the Democrats and their shills (Roland Martin, Van Jones, Joy Reid, Whoopi, Sunny Hostin, etc.) do to black folks? It's always lectures, finger-pointing and that "get in line" attitude. Like we're a bunch of mindless lemmings who can't think for ourselves. That's what black folks get for nearly 60 years of supporting Democrats. Why isn't Obama lecturing white or East Indian men? Sixty years later, Malcolm X's words still ring true.

Nina Turner broke it down beautifully...her I would vote for.
What I hear is Black men (as a group) will not vote for Kamala Harris. Period. End of story. 24 days to Election Day. Realistically, is there anything more to be said that isn’t just a waste of time?

Oh. Re-reading what I wrote. Accurately, most Black men will vote for Harris. It’s a matter of a growing percentage that will not.

If Harris can somehow turn that tide in 24 days, that would be good.

I marvel at all she has to do and still keep her self-composure. She has to be at the hurricane relief sites. She has to campaign more. She’s flying every which way to reach voters in swing states. Oh. She’s being criticized for not giving enough press interviews. So, she fits more into her schedule. Fund-raising. Making ads. Looking perfect. Never making a flub. Never having a moment off. Getting criticism from every side. Having to ignore the many threats we don’t ever hear anbout annd get out annd smile annd wave. And I don’t know, there are probably a thousand other things. Setting and describing policy goals, countering disinformation. . .etc.

In your view, @uPtoWnNY , is there anything she could do in 24 days that would actually change the tide?
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Actually, I was furious at both, especially Obama. And it proves my point that the Democrats are tone-deaf and haven't learned their lesson. As much as I despise the GOP, do you see them talking down to their base like the Democrats and their shills (Roland Martin, Van Jones, Joy Reid, Whoopi, Sunny Hostin, etc.) do to black folks? It's always lectures, finger-pointing and that "get in line" attitude. Like we're a bunch of mindless lemmings who can't think for ourselves. That's what black folks get for nearly 60 years of supporting Democrats. Why isn't Obama lecturing white or East Indian men? Sixty years later, Malcolm X's words still ring true.

Nina Turner broke it down beautifully...her I would vote for.
Okay. I think I get it.

Here’s an article that lays it out pretty well.

Obama’s Admonishing Tone to Black Men Presents a Risk for Democrats [NYTimes;10.12.24]

There’s a link in the article that reinforces what you’re saying. . . The gist is that the Black vote in general, has been loyal to Democrats for a long time and the problem is white voters, really.

“The party has to stop scapegoating Black men,” the actor Wendell Pierce, a surrogate for the Harris campaign, wroteon social media.

He questioned why Democrats were not striking a similar chord with white men and women who have slid toward Mr. Trump. “This accusatorial tone will make some Black men stay home — which is worse,” Mr. Pierce wrote. “Black men are questioning our party to find out what their loyalty for decades earns them. That’s good. That’s healthy.””

Here’s that twitter post, copied. . .
Wendell Pierce


“Awful message. The party has to stop scapegoating Black men. Black men aren’t the problem. White men and White women are. No other group votes at 87-90% for Dems but Black folk. Men and women. That is a false flag. Black men voting for Trump is insignificant. This accusatorial tone will make some Black men stay home-which is worse. Black men are questioning our party to find out what their loyalty for decades earns them. That’s good. That’s healthy. Democrats have the record to stand on and should embrace the challenge. But after touring this country specifically engaging Black men, I will not let my party leaders speak condescending towards them.”
This article, linked to in the guest essay piece you liked, caught my eye:

Black men grapple with election choices: 'We haven't heard anything from a Democrat or Republican' [NBC;5.17.24]

Sub-title: “In Detroit, a civic group led by Black men grapples with the disconnect between their community and the party politics of the presidential campaign.”

Here’s a quote:
“Williams is the founder of New Era Detroit, a community-based organization that connects residents in some of the city’s most disinvested neighborhoods with badly needed resources. The needs include public safety, housing support and youth and political education programs, and the group does everything from armed patrols of crime hot spots to hosting massive community cleanup efforts and block parties that double as resource fairs. It’s always looking to secure grants and public funds to redistribute to neighborhoods in the most need.

“Williams describes New Era Detroit’s role as filling the often-massive gap between the people and the politicians in his city. It’s not an explicitly political group. But it is a window into a key group of voters whom both parties are eyeing — and perhaps misunderstanding — ahead of the 2024 election: Black men.

Public opinion polls find that larger numbers of Black men are up for grabs now than in past elections. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are both making appeals to them. But there’s also a persistent sense among Williams and others in his orbit, in a battleground-state big city, that no one in the political world is really trying to build true relationships with Black people, especially Black men like those in New Era. Some are questioning not just whom to support for president but whether to vote at all.‘
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Hi @uPtoWnNY

This dang stuff is emotional. I’ve been venting since. . . Some time yesterday.

I get a tip of the iceberg of the issues/policy hopes that are central to Black men sitting this one out. I really do appreciate that. Thanks.

At the same time, I hear Nina Turner in the talking heads clip, after decrying Obama’s off-tone rant, . . . Did you hear that? It’s at minute 4:13.

“Hopefully, there are a few good men out there who do care about the stripping away of women’s bodily autonomy. . .” She’s careful not to say Black men. Unfortunately, Black women are disproportionately affected. I can’t help but feel Black men are throwing Black women under the bus. It’s unfortunate but I do hope more from Black men, right now. I’ve given up, largely on white men. There are a huge number of white misogynistic, racist chauvinists who also feel aggrieved. I’ve met them. I’ve stopped being surprised, by and large. I’ve largely learned to keep my mouth shut because they slither and slide in our conversations about why they prefer t0000. One of them said recently, “My retirement account did better under t000.” F—-. While the stock market is breaking upper limit records, daily. All these white men going to church. I see a big scarlet M on their foreheads.

I feel we are all prone to the gargantuan assault of mis- and dis-information. How can this race be close???

On saying Obama just ran off to Martha’s Vineyard. . . I don’t know about that. There’s a convention that former presidents take a low profile following their terms to avoid interfering/muddying the waters of those who follow them. Plus, I really don’t know that he’s just ‘run away’. I’d have to go look up what he’s been doing. Help! Plus, he has to be guarded ceaselessly by the Secret Service. I’ll guess that, for the Obama family, that’s not a run-of-the-mill job. An island is probably a good place for them, if you are concerned for their health, and if that’s where they are 24/7/365.

It’s gonna come down to women to hopefully pull off the election for Harris. That pisses me off. And I start seeing men as just a distortion of the ‘me, too’ movement, where it’s ’you, too’. I hurt, so you will, too. GD—-.

Like it or not, there’s a gender divide in this election. Black men’s message will be lumped into that box, I’m afraid. We all know, a sitting out the vote is a vote for t——, if you’re an aggrieved Democrat.

What of the comparison of Biden to Harris, in poll numbers (from that same video clip with Nina Turner)? The one that shows Biden’s support among Black men being 92% in 2020 and Harris’ being some 8 points lower, today. WTF??!! What in g-d’s name? Is that Black men having an epiphany about the Democratic Party or is that straight misogyny? g-d d—n.

And, really, what do you want Harris to do? She has to appeal to ALL voters , right now. Why expect the impossible from her? She has gone out of her way to meet w Black leaders, I think I’m right in saying that. Do you really think she has a chance in hell if she starts ranting about reparations?

Women are under attack. Immigrants are under attack. The LGBTQ+ community are under attack. What Obama said. He was appealing to Black men, not to be condescending, but because he felt he could reach them. And, like it or not, I can’t help but see misogyny laced into the Black men’s argument. FFS. Who’s the a-hole that said, they came for the [insert targeted group], but it didn’t affect me. Then, they came for. . . [etc/etc/etc]. Finally, they came for me. Blah-blah-blah.

Request: please, don’t reply to this. I’ve just blown a couple of hours. For what? Absolutely nothing, except a prayer that by venting outside my self in this moment, I will lessen the ranting I do in private.
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Democrats have no one but themselves to blame if Harris loses. Had the party done what the author of that NYT opinion piece pointed out (instead of taking black voters for granted), they wouldn't be in this mess. But Pierce is right, the small % of black men voting for Trump isn't the problem - it's white men & women who are moving toward Trump. But Obama, Magic Johnson and all the other shills would never lecture them like they do black men.


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