Purple and Black
Taking Independent and Unofficial Back

What Musical Instrument(s) Did You Study When You Were A Kid/Teen/20 Something Or Currently Learning For Fun? Did/do you sing in church, chorus?

Keys, on and off for several years, with almost no dedication whatsoever. I can noodle a bit over a something, but not to any decent level.
Four years ago, one of my relatives bought me a beautiful FENDER -Classic Dread - Black Acoustc
Guitar. The strings are Bronze, copper-zinc, great sound, smooth feel on the fingers.

The other guitar I had, the Nylon Strings were hard on the finger tips when practicing.
A great beginning Piano Practicing Book:

"Eckstein, Adult Piano Book"(1953), Maxwll, Eckstein.
Beginning Guitar Practice Book:

"Mel Bay's, Modern Guitar Method - Grade 1"(1948).


There are many great videos on YouTube, Guitar practicing tips.
And the other astrology signs that are musically inclined to play instruments: Taurus, Libra, Pisces. Or
have one of the other major planets: Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Rising Sign in the sign of Taurus,
Libra, Pisces.
The water Sun Signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio are artistic, creative, like creative/artistic hobbies/studies/careers.

The Air Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius have artistic, creative, inventive abilities.

The Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are also creative, artistic, inventive.

Taurus - Earth Sign are artistic, creative, proficient in music, the arts.
@Rob0607 EXCELLENT! Kids learn fast, is is good to teach kids to learn to play instruments.
And that is good that you are a music teacher.
Thank you, Dalia. It took a while to finally appreciate what I was doing, giving to the future generations. I can't believe I've been teaching so long now, I'm waving them off to college!! 😂 :heart: Wow!!! So proud of my babies.
Beginning Guitar Practice Book:

"Mel Bay's, Modern Guitar Method - Grade 1"(1948).


There are many great videos on YouTube, Guitar practicing tips.

I started with Mel Bay's "Fun with The Guitar". It shows you how to make all the chords; i.e. which fingers go where.

Then I bought the sheet music book for the "Purple Rain" album and just started making the chords that were shown above each bar. My first song was "Take Me With U". I had no idea I'd picked really advanced songs to learn; I just wanted to learn those songs.

It worked!
Music runs in my family, meaning my father was a pretty good guitarist before he lost the use of his left hand. I also have a host of cousins and nephews who rap, sing, DJ, play instruments and or make beats. Also my younger brother has had some success in making beats. As for me, my mother bought me a guitar when i was around 15. I never really learned to play it though, which is one of my greatest regrets. I do mess around with the DAW program Reason. It's pretty cool. Over the years I've amassed a few hundred musical ideals. Pretty much all of them(99%) are unfinished though. I posted a few song snippets in one of the members only threads(i think i was a MO thread). Here's a image of some of the Reason Racks. Some of those things are sick.ReasonStudiosReason12_01-KatC1i0Q3u48n8T9ZB512NxDCl.aqjiw.jpg

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